Monthly Meetings

Humanist Practice began in Portland, Oregon in 2011. This Portland group is currently the only Humanist Practice group. Our group meets monthly, and the meetings usually last about three hours. Here is a basic idea of what these meetings are like.

Silent Introspection (30 minutes): The group assembles quietly to help create a quiet atmosphere. We sit together silently. The room that we use is quiet, and overlooks a lush forest. Sometimes a squirrel runs by.

Reflection (3-5 minutes): One member offers a reflection. These reflections are about living life as a secular humanist. It's a bit difficult to describe, but if you browse some of NPR's "This I Believe" radio essays, you'll get a feeling for this style of reflection. They can be specific or general, lighthearted or serious. Mainly, they are heartfelt reflections about living life as a humanist. Sometimes these reflections have been quotes that participants have selected to read. There have also been more personal reflections, favorite poems, song lyrics, etc.

Presentations/Participatory Workshops: The second part of the meeting consists of a presentation, workshop, or discussion. Sometimes there is a short presentation by a member of the group, followed by questions or discussion. Some months, we have more of a participatory workshop, where all members are be guided in some activity (e.g. writing personal mission statements). These presentations and workshops allow us to reflect on and develop our missions, and to get feedback and support from others who are also working to embody humanism in their daily lives. These activities focus less on theoretical issues, and more on practical, daily applications, hopefully helping us to answer the question, "How can we live more fulfilling, joyful lives?" Here are a few examples of recent presentations and workshops.

  • How to design a mission statement and use it for weekly scheduling.
  • Biofeedback: One member gave a brief report on biofeedback, and then the group tried out three different biofeedback machines.
  • Positive Psychology: After a brief introductory presentation about "Positive Psychology," each member presented one chapter of the book "Flourish" by Martin Seligman.

Some months, the group has a discussion around a topic that the facilitator has selected. These discussions are structured to keep a more peaceful, reflective atmosphere, and are focused on topics that have to do with living well as a secular. Past discussions have included:

  • How has your life changed since becoming a secular humanist?
  • Pride and Humility: Are these important virtues for us to develop? Are they contradictory?
  • Grand Narratives & Story: What master narratives about humanism inspire you? The battle? The quest? Humanism as a refuge? What fictional stories inspire you and why?

Coffee & Snacks: The monthly meetings include a social time for coffee, snacks, and just hanging out together. Some months we go out to lunch afterwards.