Lifetime Practices

Learn About Science

Participants are encouraged to gain a basic understanding of science, especially the sciences that more directly relate to the human condition. Since Humanist Practice is mainly about secular humanist practice, science education will not normally be part of the monthly meetings. Obviously, people will differ in how deeply they want to pursue science, but every participant should strive to gain a good basic overview of what science has discovered about the natural world, particularly related to human life.

Design a Mission Statement

Participants are encouraged to design (and occasionally refine) a mission statement to clarify the long-term goals that they want to accomplish, and the values that they want to embody. This mission statement will form the foundation of each participant's "practice." Families also might want to develop a family mission statement.

Find Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Life Milestones

This is up to each individual or family (i.e. not a requirement for participants). Participants may want to plan meaningful life-milestone events such as baby-welcomings, teen rites-of-passage, marriages, retirement celebrations, funerals, etc.