Humanist Practice is a way of living that can help people with a naturalistic worldview to increase their sense of meaning and contentment with life.

We Begin With Scientific Naturalism

Humanist Practice is for people who view the world from a naturalistic perspective, free from supernatural beliefs. We may define ourselves as humanists, atheists, skeptics, or some other term, but we share this naturalistic perspective, rejecting supernaturalism and using science and critical thinking to understand our world.

Next, We Clarify What is Most Important to Us

We each have only one life. Much of it has passed already. How do we want to live the rest of our precious, finite lives? We begin our Humanist Practice by clarifying what is most important to us. We reflect on our deepest goals. We think about the types of people that we want to be, and the virtues that we want to personify. We distill these goals and values into a personal “mission statement,” which helps to inspire us, orient our lives, and motivate us to be better.

Then, We Practice

We work to achieve our deepest goals, and to become the people that we want to be. This work is ongoing, and requires sustained, long-term effort, akin to learning to play an instrument, or cultivating a garden. We use the word “practice” to stress the importance of this persistent effort.

To learn more about Humanist Practice, please read though the rest of this website.